How to Launch YOUR Book in 2010

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Consider this…

I think everyone has a book inside them. As a consultant, you are an expert in your field and a book allows you to share your knowledge.  As an artist or crafter, publishing a beautiful collection of photos of your work makes a great way to showcase your talents.  As entrepreneurs, we saw many benefits to writing a book. When we launched The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit earlier this year, we saw increased:

  • Credibility – we were no longer mere consultants and coaches, we were experts on the topic of entrepreneurship for women.
  • Publicity – we had many invitations to speak at events and on radio shows, plus we were promoted through articles in various business publications
  • Sales – the book opened up new revenue in two ways: enrollment in our coaching services increased as a result of the publicity and people who couldn’t afford our services could buy our knowledge at an affordable price.
  • Fun – yeah, we admit it is cool to win awards and see your name on But more importantly, we were moved to tears by stories of how our work had positively impacted the lives of our readers.

If you’re looking for ways to have more fun, brand yourself as an expert, get higher quality clients or customers and get paid more for any of the work you do, then maybe it’s time you took action to complete your book.

Not sure where to start? Need support and accountability? Look no further. I’ve found the perfect class for you and I’ve even taken the class myself. Lisa Tener’s “Bring Your Book to Life” program can help you complete a first draft in 8 weeks. If you’re like me—I just wanted to get a start on my (next) book idea, clarify my concept and start getting it out of my head and onto paper—it is a great place to lay the foundation for your book.

I took the live course in Narragansett, RI, but Lisa also offers a national teleseminar version for those who can’t make a daytime class or can’t commute to Rhode Island (though one brave soul temporarily relocated from Florida and another drove down from Maine each week). Their devotion is a testament to what a terrific teacher Lisa is. And the oceanfront setting was more than inspirational.

Lisa has made a huge impact for many authors with her coaching and book writing programs. Just check out her website for testimonials from many of her clients who have gotten published. I helped Lisa make this YouTube video with class participants.

As you can see, the rolling ocean waves are spectacular to watch while you bring your book to life.  I’m sure the teleclass is wonderful from the comfort of your own home or office. This course, which includes individual consult with Lisa, is valued at over $5,500, and is currently priced at $3,997.  Because of the relationship Lisa has with The Sassy Ladies, she is offering our clients, colleagues and friends a generous 50% discount on this exciting, results oriented program if you sign up by December 15.

Why? Lisa shared that she likes to fill the class well before it starts for two reasons. One, she doesn’t have to stomach the last minute marketing, and the other is that she found that when people sign up well before the eight week classes begin, they can work through all the preliminary material, have their private consultations with Lisa, and lay the foundation for the book in advance, so that they can make the most of the 8 week class (and get more written). She is an excellent motivator and wealth of knowledge.

So because you know us and we know Lisa, you get to save over a $2000 on this program!! (You are very welcome.)  You can learn more and register on  Use discount code TSL01 to save big time.  Your price for this program is reduced to $1,997. Now that’s a stimulus package!

Think of it as a great investment in your business strategy for 2010, and you get to use the expense in this tax year! She could also arrange for installment payments.  (She’s cool like that.)  If you want to ask Lisa questions, contact her directly and mention that you are interested in registering for her 8 week book writing program and read our blog.

The best part about all of this is Lisa guarantees your satisfaction. Check out the details on her website  Lisa is the real deal and if you decide that the time is write for you and your business, I know that you will be more than thrilled with your results. Imagine launching your very own book in 2010! You will not be disappointed.

Act now, the programs begin January 29 and February 10, but you’ll want this extra time to prepare, start work on your book and consult with Lisa. And the discount is only good until Tuesday, December 15th! Go for it!

Radio Show: “So, you want to write a book” with Lisa Tener

We recently invited Lisa Tener, national book coach and published author, to share her best tips with us on how business people can boost their business by writing a book.  You can listen to the call on our Blog Talk Radio Show, or read part of the transcript here:

Wendy: Why would a business person want to write a book? 

Lisa: Well, the joke is that a book is sometimes called “a glorified business plan”, but it can actually  identify you as an expert in your field.  It can also help you attract the right kind of clients, if you write a book specifically for the people you want to serve in your business. Let me share some of the benefits that writing and publishing a book has done for a couple of my clients:

o        Evana Maggiore, often gets thousands of dollars for a seminar, and uses her book to create demand for the services of the consultants she trains as fashion Feng-Shui consultants.

o        Pat Hastings retired from her day job as an abuse counselor and became a full time inspirational speaker, seminar/retreat leader and spiritual coach, as a result of becoming a published author. Her book has reached many people through word of mouth, and she gets regular feedback on how her book has changed people’s lives for the better.

Wendy: So what I’m NOT hearing you say is that you can make a lot of money with a book!

Lisa: (laughs) True, the money may not come so much from sales of the book itself, but if you can command higher fees as a result of having written a book in your field, you will make more money.  Plus, you may get more opportunities may come your way as a published author, as often happens with my clients.

Wendy: Yes, it is very important to make sure this book will fit into your goals for your life and your business.  What should someone who wants to write a book do first?

Lisa: Well, here are a few things that new authors should do when getting started:

o        Clarify the appropriate niche audience(s) for the book/understanding whom you’re writing for.

o        Make sure your book is the right one for your audience. (It adds something to what’s already on the market and addresses a perceived need). It solves a problem the audience has and gives them a result they are looking for.

o        Create the time.  How will you make time in your schedule for this book project? What can you delete from your schedule? Can you get someone to cook meals? I was able to get a reduced work schedule on my job when I wrote my first book.

o        Get support to make it happen (like a writing buddy, an online community, a class, a coach, etc.) This is a critical difference between the people who say they want to write a book and the people who actually do it.

o        Create a plan that includes all of the above.  What are my goals? What features will the book have? What tone will I use?  How to organize the book?

Listen in to the entire show to learn more:

-What’s the difference between an editor and a book coach?

-Should you self-publish or traditionally publish?

 – Plus, get a special 50% off discount with for being a Sassy Ladies’ listener!

You can find Lisa’s blog and more on her classes, and coaching services at!

Article: Your Authentic (Business) Life

Article, “Your Authentic (Business) Life,” as seen in Aspire Magazine

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Socrates is credited with uttering these words as he decided his own fate, choosing death over exile for the crime of encouraging his students to challenge conventional thinking of the time and think for themselves. For him, the idea of a passive life, devoid of original thought was intolerable. Fortunately, most of us don’t have to make such a dramatic choice when it comes to living a life we can be proud of, but facing the truth about the life we are leading can lead to a certain amount of discomfort.

It’s the nagging feeling you have when you wake up to face a new day or take stock at the end of your day that, somehow, life has passed you by. It’s the sense that life is happening to you, rather than that you are in charge of your life. This discordance between how you want to live and how you actually live manifests itself in a number of ways, from a vague feeling that something is a little off the mark to a deep ache that just won’t go away. Finding out how you can shift the quality of your life begins with an examination of your values.

Each of us has a different set of values, or principles, that we hold dear above others. Losing touch with these values creates an imbalance because we’re no longer honoring our true selves. If you value self-expression, but find your attempts at expressing your ideas and creativity are suppressed at work and/or at home, you’re likely feeling dissatisfied. If integrity is important to you, but your work or personal life requires you to behave otherwise, you probably feel you’re being asked to betray yourself. We might lose touch with our values in our personal relationships, our work environment, or our behaviors. Getting realigned means being authentic to your true self. Know that when you have identified the values that resonate most with you, it’s much easier to make decisions about your professional and personal lives that you can live with – and live with happily. Think of it as your own individual recipe for satisfaction.

The values exercise in our book, The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses, helps you determine whether the business you want to run supports your values; however, the same exercise can be used to test whether you’re being true to yourself in other aspects of your life as well. And if you feel your intuition tugging at you to make a change in your life, it might interest you to know that the word “intuition” comes from Latin roots and means “the act of looking at;” in other words, your true self is sending you a clear signal to live a more examined life.


This is an abridged version of the values exercise in The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses, but it will give you an idea of how to examine your work and personal life to be sure you’re being true to your self.

List the three values that are most important to you. (For example: adventure, altruism, community, creativity, ease, elegance, freedom, harmony, independence, integrity, joy, learning, risk-taking, stability, teamwork, etc.) Then write down how your job, business, or relationships honor these values. If you have trouble making the connection, you’ve uncovered an opportunity to lead a more authentic life.

How my work life supports my values:


How my home life supports my values:


How my relationship with _______________________ supports my values:


The Sassy Ladies are proud to support Aspire Magazine’s “Mission to Inspire 100,000 Women” in 2010. Please visit to learn more and to subscribe to their free digital edition.

Radio Show Tips: Our Fall Series on Blog Talk Radio

This fall, we had a great lineup of women sharing all kinds of advice with us on our Blog Talk Radio.  Have you had a chance to listen?
Subscribe to join the show, live.

In case you missed them, we record them all and have summarized some of the key points of past shows so you could listen in…on your computer or download them to your iPod and listen on the go! Click the title links below to get to each show:

The Strategy Behind Social Marketing with guest Lisa Almeida, of PlanitProductions
We  learned:

  • The difference between the Big Three social networking websites,
  • What kind of content to post on these sites, and
  • How to measure results.  Read the transcript summary on our blog.

Earn Your Worth with guest: Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, of KBK Connections
We learned:

  • What your pricing says to your clients/customers,
  • How to identify emotional pricing roadblocks so you can be paid what you are worth, and
  • Simple techniques to overcome your money fears, including the “Wise Mind Technique”

Government Contracting and Building Your Business!
Guest: Donn Miller-Kermani, Women’s Business Center at Florida Tech,
We learned:

  • What we need to know in order to do business with the government.
  • What is a DUNS number?
  • What is the Give Me 5 program?

How to Keep Your Family from Imploding
While Your Business is Exploding!

Guest: Debbye Cannon,  of

We learned:

  • How to’s for de-cluttering your time and your space
  • 3 simple steps to design a flexible plan to accomplish family necessities and business priorities.
  • Tips to simplify your systems with tools

Theatrical Intelligence and Your Business Savvy

Guest: Ann Sachs,  of

We learned:

  • The model of Theatrical Intelligence
  • How to use the roles in the theater to look at the roles in your business
  • How understanding your own theatrical intelligence can help you as a business owner

The Law of Attraction and Your Business

Guest: Jeanna Gabellini of

We learned:

  • How to use the Law of Attraction in business
  • Why it’s important to do what feels good and stop doing the rest!
  • Strategies for keeping your focus

Radio Show Tips: Lisa Almeida shares tips on social networking strategy

Wendy recently interviewed Lisa Almeida, from PlanIt Production on our Blog Talk Radio show.  Here’s the low down on their conversation.

Wendy: We hear so much about Web 2.0 and social media these days.  For those who consider themselves technological novices, could you give us a simple overview of these things and what they mean?

Lisa: I like to demystfy the lingo for the “technically squeemish”.  “Web 2.0” really means the difference between the old web, which was just static text, and the more interactive web we see today, which gives us the ability to share content, communicate and connect with others.

Wendy: So how does a business owner decide which social media tools they should use?

Lisa: I’d like to point them to “The Big Three”, which refers to, and  To decide which to use, I like to outline the differences between these sites:

  • LinkedIN is like going to a Chamber of Commerce event, where people are very professional, in suit and ties, and tend to stick to business.
  • Facebook is more like going to the Company Picnic. There, you see people you work with, but it is a little more relaxed and personal. You may hear about people’s family, play games and go beyond the business conversation.
  • Twitter is like going to Happy Hour, where everything moves fast, and you can jump in and out of conversations.

Wendy: Some big companies like Honda are showing their Facebook profiles in television ads. That speaks to the success of these marketing tools.

Lisa: This is a big indicator that these companies, which have huge marketing budgets have “rubber-stamped” this as a marketplace to connect with customers. It’s a good sign.

Wendy: How do I find the time to do this, when I have a business to run? The advice I hear ranges from daily to weekly.

Lisa: It is important to identify and develop your own strategy – what works for you and what works for your audience.  As a rule of thumb, I like to use the 80/20 rule.  Spend 80% of your time on quality content (what it is you want to communicate), and 20% on promotion. I have a system where I can teach how to successfully use these tools in less than an hour a week. As an example, when we promoted this show, I used a link to this show in my newsletter and Facebook profile.  In Twitter, I only have 140 characters, so I don’t want a long URL, so I want to shorten it.  One of the tools I like is “”, which is a free account that helps me track it and see how many people clicked on this link.

Since these are free tools, we don’t spend money to promote here, so you really want to track your time and how you spend it, and what you’re getting for that time.

Wendy: I love that you keep us up on these trends and tools, Lisa.  And now let’s talk about the collaboration that we’re going to be offering in the coming weeks.

Lisa: Yes, I’m so excited about this, I’m vibrating in my chair!  We’ve been brainstorming and have come up with a suite of products for people interested in really moving their businesses forward. People are so busy – they need extra help in getting things done for them – not just learning about how to do it.  We’ll be offering a suite of “done for you” products – combining the best of the Sassy Ladies coaching offering with PlanIt Production’s Social Media offering.

Wendy: That’s a great teaser, and to find out more about this, go to, and submit a Contact Us form to get some free gifts, and be the first to hear about our collaboration.  We’ll send you a link to our 10 minute You Tube video, “How to Market Your Business on Social Networks.” and Lisa’s special report, “Why Successful Businesses Fail and How to Keep It From Happening to You.”

You can also find us on Twitter.  Lisa is at and I am at  We look forward to connecting with you soon, and to welcoming Lisa back on an upcoming show to discuss the latest developments in social media strategy!

Hear the full 30-minute show on Blog Talk Radio.

Event: Do you have a “back-of-the-napkin” business plan?

Can a rough sketch on a cocktail napkin turn into a business success story? You bet!  This is the ultimate keep-it-simple strategy if you haven’t created your own business plan yet.

In our book, “The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses”, we provide a one-page worksheet that will help you stay focused on on target in your business. Unless you’re going for bank or investor financing, this ‘one-page wonder’ is all you need to fine-tune your business strategies.  And, it’s just one of the tools that we’ll be reviewing on an upcoming panel discussion titled, “Get Back to Basics with a Back of the Napkin Business Plan”.

October 15, 2009, 1:00-2:30pm

Johnson & Wales University’s Taco Center, 10 Abbott Park Place, Providence, RI

Presented by:

The Rhode Island Small Business Development Center at Johnson & Wales University and The Center for Women & Enterprise

Miriam, Wendy, Michelle

Miriam, Wendy, Michelle

The Sassy Ladies will lead a lively panel of J&W students, faculty and seasoned entrepreneurs to discuss tools from their new book, “The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses”. Comes listen in and get help with your “Back of the Napkin Business Plan.” Whether you are in business and need some focus or dreaming of having a business—this event is for you!

Betty Galligan

Betty Galligan

Special guest appearance by local entrepreneur and “sassy” rock band lead singer Betty Galligan, of Newberry PR & Marketing.

Cost is free….impact is priceless! Seating is limited.
Reserve your seat online or call 401-598-2702

Video Tip: Bill Rancic (The Apprentice) shares tips for succeeding in this economy

Wendy recently had the opportunity to interview Bill Rancic at the We Mean Business Expo in Providence, RI.  He was the keynote speaker at last week’s event, hosted by Every Company Counts, the small business division of the RI Economic Development Corporation.

Bill was very complimentary about our entrepreneurial city and the warm welcome he received here, and shared some tips for entrepreneurs who may be struggling in this economy. Our takeaways – take off the blinders, adapt and – failure is not an option!

What a gracious guest he was. No wonder Mr. Trump couldn’t fire him!
Enjoy the video.

How to Ride Your Own Wave of Success

As the wave crashed over my head, I felt the chaotic rush of sand and salt around me. I came up for air, and let out a scream. Wiping the salty water from my stinging eyes, I pumped my fist in the air and looked back at Mo, who stood there with a huge smile on his face, and two thumbs up. I did it. I finally rode a surfboard standing up!

SassySurferThat moment, that triumphant sense of pride and accomplishment, is something that we don’t experience in our every day lives. It’s not often that we experience the thrill, the adrenaline rush, the excitement of having worked so hard for a dream we have wanted for so long.

So often, in life and in business, we have a huge dream or goal, but don’t take the steps necessary to begin. Your business dream might be to finally start that business, or launch a funky new product line, or simply, to learn to play golf so you can schmooze those big clients. Instead of putting it on the back burner, take what I learned while learning to surf and ride your own wave to success.

Hunger: acknowledge that inner longing to do something special
I practically grew up in the ocean, living in a seaside town as a child. When my mother taught me to swim, I loved when she held me tight, making a game out of riding over the big waves together, so I would not be afraid. Growing up, I spent countless hours body boarding. But I always watched the surfers in awe. When the right wave came along, they somehow popped up to their feet, something I regarded as true magic and admired from afar.

I knew it was something I wanted to do…someday. But not now. Too hard. Not enough money for lessons and equipment. Not enough time. No one to watch the kids. Plus, I’m still a bit afraid of the really big waves. I’ll probably kill myself.

It was always something. (Sound familiar?)

Tip: There are often more excuses not to pursue your dream than reasons why you should. Just admitting to yourself that you want something is the first step. Taking action is the next, and most important step.

Commitment: feel the joy in your heart and make a public statement
Last fall, some friends were meeting at the beach on a warm Friday afternoon. We planned to bring kids, coolers and sand toys, staying until the sun went down – my kind of happy hour! Two of the families brought surf boards, and when invited to have a go at it, I jumped at the chance. The perfect conditions were built in: babysitters, free equipment, great waves. No excuses, this was my day to surf!

However, after paddling out and attempting to ride no fewer than 50 waves, I was frustrated that I was only able to kneel, not stand. The board was wobbly and my technique was flawed, but I was hooked. I wanted it so badly. Since it was the end of the season (and cold!), I resolved to finally take the time and money to reach that goal next summer. And I made that claim publicly as I returned to my friends and family on the beach, “Next time we do this, I’ll stand up!”

Tip: If you want it badly enough, you can achieve anything. Sharing your commitment to reach your goals with others increases your chances of success.

Investment: tap into the knowledge of experts who can share their wisdom
It turns out I did not have to wait until the following summer. While on a business trip with my husband in Puerto Rico, our hotel offered surfing lessons. With Rich at work, no kids to watch, and nothing else I *should* be doing, I knew this was my chance!

The instructors were all young, male expert surfers (bonus!) and by learning their techniques, practicing and listening to their critiques, I was sure I would get the hang of it quickly. I paid close attention to the series of steps it took to go from belly to stand, which looked like one swoop when I watched others do it. Sure enough, in the first half hour of my two hour lesson, I was up on my board, riding my first wave!

Tip: Hire an expert, or find a mentor, and shorten your learning curve significantly. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, and who has time for that anyway?

Set goals: be crystal clear on what you want to achieve, so you know success when it arrives.
From the start, my instructor, Mo, and I set expectations for this beginner lesson. I told him about my comfort level in the water, my experience last fall, and shared my two goals: to actually stand up on the board, and to learn to choose the right waves. Seemingly simple, but I knew this would be a huge accomplishment for me. And he spent the next hour teaching me just that. It eliminated a lot of other things he didn’t have to teach, and so he was laser focused. And, I didn’t think I was going to ride a 30 foot wave, the first time out. I set realistic goals, and was thrilled with the result.

Tip: Clearly define your dreams. Divide the big goal into small, achievable parts, so you can enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Have patience: you may not get it right the first time.
This was a painful lesson. By the end of the first hour of my 2-hour lesson, I was exhausted. My knee was bleeding from scraping the board, and my ribs hurt from banging against the board waiting for the perfect waves. I could barely see, my eyes stung so badly from the salt and I had gotten too much sun on my back. I knew I couldn’t go on. Did I quit? No, I took a break! I went back to the hotel, got a dry suit, applied more sunscreen, had a bite to eat, and went back for my second hour more refreshed and eager once again.

Tip: Take care of yourself, know your limits, but keep pushing and practicing until you reach your goals.

Now, you must have a dream of your own.
We have the pleasure of coaching women who want to start their dream businesses. Allow me to share an excerpt from our new book, The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-Up Businesses:

“Perhaps you know someone who is living her dream. That person lives with a sense of purpose, filling each day with whatever is important to her. She has a sense of balance, accomplishment, and daily joy. You know the type. You can choose to envy her, or let her inspire you to live your dream. You also have a dream…In this dream, you see yourself doing what you love, and loving what you do. You’re filled with a sense of satisfaction, happiness, and confidence. Hold that thought.”

But don’t hold it too long. Life is too short. Discover your dream. Embrace it, make it happen! Only you can make that choice. You can wait a lifetime, or you can begin now to ride that wave of success, and taste the thrill of making your own dream come true!

Michelle Girasole is the co-author of “The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses“, and is a web marketing expert and mompreneur. (The Sassy Ladies provide support for women who want to start and grow their businesses, in the form of coaching, and online networking and subscription-based business support.) When she is not blogging, Michelle can sometimes be seen practicing her surf techniques on this live webcam at her favorite beach.

Article: NPR report on people starting businesses while in transition.

I recently heard a great report on NPR about people who have lost their jobs and moved on to their passions; that’s what the Sassy Ladies are all about, helping with that transition.  I particularly loved the story about the woman who came back from maternity leave to find her whole department was down-sized, so she started a business called “Milkstars” to fill a niche that she noticed while she was pregnant – there aren’t enough cute nursing shirts.  She seems to be going gang busters now. Check out the podcast on NPR.

A lot of the issues that she talks about, relating to her start-up needs are referenced in our book, The Sassy Ladies’ Toolkit for Start-up Businesses.  We recently had a reader who says she keeps it by her desk, which is great.  It’s gratifying to know that ours is a helpful reference book.

Video Tip: The Importance of Online Video

Wendy and I recorded our first blog video tonight!  We plan to share video tips to help women entrepreneurs in multiple aspects of building successful businesses. Tonight’s topic, then, is the importance of using video in today’s online marketing efforts. Enjoy…